Monday, August 21, 2006

The Rock

The Rock
By: Gordon Coelho

Once there was a rock named Rocky Sablan. He was a Chamorro rock and lived at the beach all his life until one day a boy named Bal Eum picked him up and brought him home. Bal Eum kept Rocky, as a pet because he was allergic to many things, so the only thing he could keep was a rock. Then one day when he was cleaning his room he heard someone said, "Hi" so then he went to his mom's room to see if she was calling him but his mom said she didn't call him then he went back to his room to continue cleaning then he heard that voice again but this time it said something different this time it said,"Hey Bal Eum it's me Rocky". Then after hearing the voice Bal Eum was so shocked that he actually flew back 3ft. away from it then he said, "Are you real?" and Rocky said, "I'm realand then Rocky told Bal Eum all about himself. Then 50yrs. later Bal Eum died but Rocky had been with him till the day he died, and now Rocky is 506yrs. old and now he has been to more places then any rock that has lived.


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