Sunday, September 24, 2006

kernal essay

The Murder Case
(Kernel essay)
The racist African murder, Bob, climbed into the dining room through the window. He looked around but the hair on his face covered part of his face. The dining room was dark, so it was hard to see. He saw nothing but the furniture, but then a Chamorro woman walked into the room, her heart beat as fast as a engine. Nothing can stop him now he took out his knife and stabbed her. He walked over to the window to see if anyone saw him. His steps made a noise on the bare floor, he looked back to see if anyone was in the room. What happened to the Bob know? Nobody knows.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Noah's Ark

Finally we can get out its been so many days and it started to smell in here because of all the animals. It was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits broad, 30 cubits high and 3 stories tall. It has nine window and one door and can you guess who shut the door? Of course the one and only God. The Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, God. They were in the Ark 7 days before it rained, 40 days and nights when it started to rain. 110 days and the ark landed on this very spot in Mt. Ararat. 73 days and the mountains were visible. Noah sent out things, a raven and 3 doves, but only 2 returned. 29 days later, the covering of the Ark was removed. Finally, 57 days later, Noah and his family came out of the Ark.Now as we stand here today and study this Ark we can tell it was made of gopher wood. There were 8 people in the Ark. Noah and his wife, Shem and his wife, and Jepeth and his wife. We just heard that when God told Noah to put animals on board he said clean animals by 7, and unclean by 2. We can tell you one more thing, God tried to destroy man because their wickedness was so great. Thank you and Good day.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

pilgrims progress

The reason why the book is called pilgrims progress is because a Pilgrim is a traveler and Christian travels on his journey to get to heaven. The word progress means the act of moving toward the goal and in the book Christian takes steps one by one. Our lives relate to Christian because we also are pilgrims that are traveling to reach heaven. We also sin and do bad thing that relates to Christian’s burden that is on his back. Another thing is Christian suffered, had difficulties, and problem like how we have suffering, difficulties, and problems just like we have sufferings, difficulties ,and problems . Christian is going through his journey to reach to the Celestial City. He leaves his hometown, the City of Destruction, to be saved and go to heaven. On his journey he meets a man named Evangelist that guides him through his journey. He finds many difficulties. For example, when he fell in the Slough of Despond, another is that when he get tricked and went the other way. Then, Christian reaches the Wicket Gate, which you would need to pass to get to the Celestial City. Many people help him on his way to the Celestial City. Once, he went to the House of Beautiful and rested. This book tells us to never give up on going to heaven.